


Microbit for Mad Scientists (疯狂科学家的 microbit)

30 Clever Coding and Electronics Projects for Kids Paperback

Build your own secret laboratory with 30 coding and electronic projects!

The BBC micro:bit is a tiny, cheap, yet surprisingly powerful computer that you can use to build cool things and experiment with code. The 30 simple projects and experiments in this book will show you how to use the micro:bit to build a secret science lab complete with robots, door alarms, lie detectors, and more–as you learn basic coding and electronics skills.

Here are just some of the projects you'll build:

  • A “light guitar” you can play just by moving your fingers
  • A working lie detector
  • A self-watering plant care system
  • A two-wheeled robot
  • A talking robotic head with moving eyes
  • A door alarm made with magnets


BBC microbit是一个微小、便宜、但令人惊讶的强大的计算机,你可以用它来建立很酷的东西和学习编程。这本书中的30个简单的项目和实验将告诉你如何使用microbit建立一个秘密科学实验室,完整的机器人,报警器,测谎仪等等。


  • 只要动动手指就能弹奏的轻型吉他
  • 测谎仪
  • 植物自动浇水护理系统
  • 两轮机器人
  • 会说话的眼睛会动的机器人
  • 用磁铁做的门铃


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